Victoria athlete wins gold at Special Olympics

Victoria’s Michael Langridge captured Special Olympics Gold in the Super G event in Austria. Langridge is one of 14 other BC Athletes representing Team Canada on the world stage,  and was selected for the roster after winning three gold alpine skiing medals at the...

2017 CARF Survey Report

WE DID IT! The official CARF letter came in last week and I can confirm Kardel has received the highest accreditation timeframe of three years once again!  This is a credit to all of our stakeholders who make Kardel the organization we are.  The CARF Survey team made...

Province increases disability assistance rates

For the second year in a row, government is increasing disability assistance rates by investing $199 million over three years. This investment is in addition to the $170 million announced last year to increase disability rates. It will benefit about 107,000 people...