Queen Tribute Band & Lakes Road House

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The folks at Lakes Road House enjoyed a hilarious and rockin’ Queen Tribute Band at the Port Theatre in Nanaimo last night.  It was a raucous and loud show….and they loved it!!!

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Lakes Summer BBQ

Lakes Road House celebrated the summer by hosting a BBQ on Friday, August 28th.  Colleen did a special sun salutation to coax it out from behind the rain clouds – and it worked!  The rain poured down in the morning but stayed away so we could enjoy the day.  The BBQ looked like it was going to resist being ignited but didn’t account on the persistence of the staff!  Peter B. provided the musical entertainment and a good day was had by all!

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Updated Canada Pension Plan Disability Guides

Community Update Updated Canada Pension Plan Disability Guides

Dear Community Partner,
We have completed a full update of our Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) guides. They are available on our website at www.disabilityalliancebc.org/money.  The four guides are:

– CPP-D Checklist
– CPP-D Application Guide
– CPP-D Appeal Guide (Reconsideration Request)
– CPP-D Social Security Tribunal

If you would like us to mail you any of these publications, please call Val at 604-875-0188 or email her at [email protected]

Best regards,
Jane Dyson, Executive Director
Val Stapleton, Membership and Outreach Coordinator

DABC logo


Happy 19th Anniversary Futures!

The folks at Futures celebrated their 19th anniversary with a BBQ at Kinsmen Gorge Park.  There were hamburgers, hotdogs, pop, and cake.  An artist was hired to do caricature sketches of everyone who attends Futures.  He did a really great job of connecting with the participants and capturing their personalities.  His contact info is Ryan Forrester at  www.funsketches.com if you have an upcoming event.  The afternoon ended with a game of balloon toss and a few damp clothes!

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The WestShore Rebels football team has a new mascot……introducing WIGGY!  KJP_8723_ Wiggy

Iggy P. is an avid football fan and cheers them on every chance he gets.  Stay tuned for more photos of WIGGY in action (he’d like to assure his fans that his mascot outfit is fully breathable!)

Today Wiggy was spotted at Gorge Park with Futures Club participating in a water balloon toss!!


Disability Travel Card

Disability Travel CardEaster Seals

This Disability Travel Card is intended for people with disabilities who require the assistance of a support person when travelling. The Card offers its holder discounts to the support person in attendance with them when traveling with participating partners Via Rail, Greyhound bus lines and Coach Canada.

To apply for a Disability Travel Card through Easter Seals Canada download the PDF application and submit by fax, scanned email or mail to the following:

Attn: Disability Travel Card
40 Holly Street, Suite 401
Toronto, ON M4S 3C3
Fax:  (416) 932-9844

For all Travel Card inquiries please contact us at 416-932-8382 x 241, or toll free at 1-877-376-6362 x 241. You may also email [email protected]



Kardel Consulting Inc.
Head Office
A 4 100 Aldersmith Place
Victoria, BC V9A 7M8
Phone (250) 382-5959
[email protected]

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All rights reserved

CARFLogoSmall CARF accreditation was awarded to Kardel for our homes, community integration, home share program and supported living services.