One Day Celebration

On Saturday, September 12 we celebrated "One Day" at Topaz Park with many friends from our community.  The weather was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time.  Thanks to everyone who volunteered and came out to celebrate!

Signed English update **

Signed English Classes for 2016:
Signed English Level 1 begins January 4, 2016 – February 29, 2016
Signed English Level 2 Begins April 18, 2016 – June 13, 2016
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Jaime’s art show

Jaime has been an active member of the art community for years. At five years old, Jaime picked up a pen and started creating; she has not stopped since. Read more….


Kardel Consulting Inc.
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A 4 100 Aldersmith Place
Victoria, BC V9A 7M8
Phone (250) 382-5959
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All rights reserved

CARFLogoSmall CARF accreditation was awarded to Kardel for our homes, community integration, home share program and supported living services.