GoodLife Fitness Marathon

As you may know, over the past several years we have entered a large group of staff, individuals and volunteers in the GoodLife fitness Marathon to raise money for Lifetime Networks. Year after year, this has proven to be a great fundraiser for Lifetime Networks and a...

You are invited to the following event:

  Fall Fling is a fun evening out and a great way to connect with friends and colleagues from BC’s diverse disability community. And your attendance is an opportunity to show your support for our work and for British Columbians with disabilities. All...

Welcome to Special Woodstock

“Special Woodstock” is a music festival that happens once a year on Vancouver Island, B.C, Canada on the beautiful 140-acre property of Providence Farm, in Duncan, BC, Canada. The date for this years event is  Sunday, August 19, 2018  11:00 a.m.-6:00p.m....