by kardeladmin | Jan 19, 2016 | Event
The Society for Students With a Disability are inviting you to drop in to their Week of Welcome at UVIC. Please click here for more details.
by kardeladmin | Dec 29, 2015 | Event
On February 16, 2016 Kardel and VIAH are hosting a seminar to support individuals living with autism. Please click on the link below for more details. Seminar – Progressive Ideas to Support People Living with Autism
by kardeladmin | Nov 19, 2015 | Event
Here is a sample of what happens when you provide people with props and put them in a photo booth! Thanks Alex from ATPhotoBooth for your flexibility in scheduling and helping us create great memories. If you want to contact Alex for an upcoming event...
by kardeladmin | Oct 23, 2015 | Event
Cineplex Community Day Doors open at 8:30am | Movies start at 9am Click on the link below for more details:
by kardeladmin | Sep 23, 2015 | Event
If an earthquake happened before you finished this sentence, would you or those nearby know what to do? Whether you are waiting in line for coffee right now or trekking through your email inbox, strike up a conversation with someone about earthquake safety. When you...
by kardeladmin | Sep 18, 2015 | Event
On Saturday, September 12 we celebrated “One Day” at Topaz Park with many friends from our community. The weather was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and came out to celebrate!
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