As you may know, over the past several years we have entered a large group of staff, individuals and volunteers in the GoodLife fitness Marathon to raise money for Lifetime Networks.

Year after year, this has proven to be a great fundraiser for Lifetime Networks and a great example of inclusion!

You can participate in the 8km, half marathon, full marathon, or if you are a Parent or Grandparent you can enter children in the 1km kids run too!

I encourage you to enter to run\walk and be a part of our team.

We also need volunteers so if you would rather hang out at the finish line or cheer stations we can use you!

Please contact [email protected] if you wish to volunteer.

When you register to run it will walk you through setting up an on-line fundraising page. Please remember to sign up to be a part of the Lifetime Networks Urban Runners Team.

If you want further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 250-477-4112.

Let’s get our biggest team ever out on the course!


Here is the link to register

AND remember read to the bottom before you do!

In addition to registering with the Marathon, please complete this Registration form and email it back to me, so we know to include you in our team emails!

All those who register before Friday, September 28th will also be entered to win a $25.00 gift card the Yates street Tapas!